研究了独立的 Frn-KBrO3-MnSO4-H2SO4-Act体系及其在磷酸盐 Na2HPO4· NaH2PO4中的振荡反应,考察了 Na2HPO4-NaH2PO4对振荡反应的影响及反应过程的能量关系,发现 [BrO-3]0=0.05 mol/L时,磷酸盐起加速反应的作用,使振荡周期、振荡寿命变小,振荡频率增加, [BrO-3]0=0.035 mol/L时,磷酸盐起延缓振荡反应的作用,使诱导期、振荡周期、振荡寿命增大.
The oscillating action of the (Frn)-KBrO3-H2SO4-Act independent system in the NaH2PO4-Na2HPO4 was studied.Also, the influence exerted by NaH2PO4-Na2HPO4 on the oscillating reaction and the energy change of reaction process were observed.It was found that phosphate exerts one of accelerative reaction increases the oscillating frequency and decreases the life of oscillation during [BrO-3]0=0.05 mol/L, but exerts other delaied reaction increases oscillating period and life during [BrO-3]0=0.035 mol/L.
Journal of Anhui Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering