随着连铸工艺的不断发展 ,连铸机的供水系统也从最初的开路循环水系统 ,发展成许多供水系统 ,包括 8°d净环水系统 ;半闭路软水槽循环水系统 ;闭路软水循环水系统 ;二冷水、冲铁皮水浊循环水系统 ,乃至将软水循环水和浊循环水系统通过换热器联合成为一个综合循环水系统。
With the development of continuous casting technology, the water supply system for the continuous casting machine has been developing from the initial open circuit circulation form to many kinds of water supply systems as 8°d circulation clean water, semi-closed-circuit soft-water-tank circulation water, closed-circuit circulation soft water, circulation dirty water for secondary cooling and scale flushing as well as combined circulation water system with circulation soft water and dirty water via a heat exchanger.
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