现行的各国反垄断法的基础制度是工业经济时代的反映 ,其内容已不完全适应今天知识经济发展的需要。综观各国反垄断法的制度基础 ,大多采用或倾向采用结构主义反垄断法 ,本文从知识经济的特点出发 ,论述在知识经济时代因企业发展和竞争方式不同于工业经济时代的企业发展和竞争方式 ,故知识经济时代反垄断法不应再规范企业的市场份额 ,而应以规范由市场份额导致的市场支配力的滥用为主要内容 。
The basic system of present antitrust law of the system of the industry economics,which doesn't meet for the needs of every country,is a mirror of the developing intellectual economics.Taking a broad view of the situation of the basic system of present antitrust law of every country,most countries are inclined to use the constructivism of antitrust law.Based on the characteristics of the intellectual economics,this paper will argue the difference of the enterprise development and competition method of the intellectual economics age.Instead of regulating the enterprise's market share in industry economics age,regulating market power resulted from market share should be the main target of the antitrust law in the intellectual economics age.The conclusion of the paper is that antitrust law of behaviorism should be made in the intellectual economics age.
Journal of Gansu Political Science and Law Institute
国家社科基金规划项目! (项目编号 :96BFX0 2 3)