因特网消除了传统主权国家的疆界 ,便于用新的组织性手段来制订、适用和执行法律。因特网使人们更容易获悉法律规范 ,因而促进了自愿遵守。因特网通过增进取得示范法 ,从而有利于协调国家间的法。因特网促进了制定规范机制的运作 ,便于实施和强制执行机构发挥作用。由于因特网能够促进非政府组织的活动 ,因而也增强了非政府组织的力量。网络的结果将有可能加快国际法从以国家为中心的传统中挣脱出来的趋势。同时 。
The Internet is changing international law because it is weakening the dominance of traditional soverign states while it facilitates new institutional mechanisms for making,applying,and enforcing law.The Internet makes it easier to access norms,thereby to improve voluntary compliance.The Internet facilitates harmonization among state laws by improving access to models.The Internet improves the operation of norm-forming institutions,facilitates the operation of application and enforcement institutions.The Internet potentially improves the operation and therefore the strength of NGOs.The movement of international Law away from its state-centered tradition will be accelerated by the Internet.The international human rights law will be changed by the Internet.
Journal of Gansu Political Science and Law Institute