存单是格式化的储蓄合同 ,是不完全物权证券 ,其主体具有特定性。存单的转让和质押应当属于广义的存单流通。存单纠纷的隐患表现为存单瑕疵 :(一 )存单伪造 ;(二 )存单变造 ;(三 )存单涂销 ;(四 )在样式、管理。
This thesis is based on practice of deposit receipt.The thesis aims to reveal the characters of the deposit receipt dispute,elaborates the transfer,mortgage,counterargument,blemish of deposit receipt. On the above mentioned basis,the author draw a conclusion that deposit receipt is a kind of contract for practice. The purpose of the thesis is to make the recondition of the counterargument and blemish of deposit receipt. At the end of this thesis the author makes necessary exposition about the rule of mediation.
Journal of Huan Public Security College