旅客运输过程中 ,人身伤亡事故时有发生。承运人对旅客人身伤亡应承担违约赔偿责任 ,但有时可能出现违约责任和侵权责任竞合。承运人赔偿责任的归责原则为无过错责任原则 ,其承担赔偿责任的构成要件是 :1.受赔偿的主体必须是旅客 ;2 .须发生旅客人身伤亡损害后果 ;3.旅客人身伤亡发生在运输过程中 ;4 .
Carriers are liable for personal injury and death, which often occurs in the process of transportation. However, the liabilities for breach of contract do coincide with the liabilities for tort sometimes. The doctoring of liability fixation for the carrier should be “liability without fault”, and the following conditions should be fulfilled:1.The beneficiary should be the passenger; 2.There is actual personal injury or death; 3.The damage occurred in the process of transportation; 4.There are no statutory grounds for exception.
Journal of Xuzhou Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)