针对我国在高等院校开展助学贷款工作的现状 ,阐述了制约我国助学贷款工作的 7个因素 ,探讨了克服制约因素的 7项措施 ,以加快在我国高等学校开展助学贷款工作的步伐 ,为家庭经济困难的学生上大学解决燃眉之急 。
Based on the current situation of grant in aid loan in instiutions of higher learning,the paper elaborates the seven factors restricting grant in aid loan in China.Attempt is also made to explore the seven measures to overcome the restricting factors.These measures will speed up the proceeding of grant in aid loan in institutions of higher learning and free the needy students from financial difficulty.
Journal of Liaoning Normal University(Social Science Edition)