:2 1世纪将是教育大发展的时代 ,发展教育的关键因素在于建立一支强大的、现代化的教师队伍。 2 1世纪高校师资队伍建设的要点问题是 :确立教师在高校办学中的主体地位 ;努力提高教师队伍的整体素质 ;加速培养青年骨干教师和学科带头人 ;进一步改善教师的工作和生活条件 ;完善各种基金、计划和工程工作 ;大胆引进、高薪聘任高层次人才 ;进一步深化人事。
Education will undergo dramatic development in the 21 st century and the key factor of developing education is the construction of strong and modernized teaching staff.The main points to be considered in the construction of teaching staff are as follows:to establish the leading position of teaching staff in operating an institution of higher learning;to strive to improve the overall quality of the teaching staff;to quicken the step of cultivating backbone teachers and discipline leading teachers;to further improve teachers' living and working conditions;to perfect the management of various funs,plans and projects;to attarct and employ high talents with high wages;to further reform the system of employment and wage.
Journal of Liaoning Normal University(Social Science Edition)