时务学堂在短短的一年里培养了一种独特的精神风貌 :自强、自立、爱国、维新。张伯良在时务学堂学习期间 ,曾两次在《湘报》上发表文章 ,鼓吹维新变法。在时务学堂遭到攻击 ,湖南维新运动面临瓦解的时候 ,以张伯良为首的时务学堂学生进行了坚决的斗争 。
In only one year, the Shiwu Academy cultivated the unique spirit of striving to become stronger, supporting oneself, being patriotic and reforming. While studying in the Shiwu Academy, Zhang Boliang published two articles in Xiang Bao to advocate constitutional reform and modernization. When the Shiwu Academy suffered attacks and Hunans reform movement was faced with collapses, the students of the Shiwu Academy, under the leadership of Zhang Bo-liang, struggled firmly and promoted the spirit of the Shiwu Academy.
Journal of Social Science of Hunan Normal University