对于经济增长与社会全面进步之间的关系问题 ,各国经济学家和社会学家给予了高度的关注 ,并相继提出了各自的发展观和发展模式 ,其观点形形色色 ,其中不乏真知灼见 ,但“可持续发展战略”由于着重强调经济增长与社会全面进步相协调、强调社会在走向富裕的同时要维持社会公正、强调人类物质幸福与精神幸福应保持平衡等 ,而成为主流见解 ,并逐渐取得共识。《资本论》推崇计划经济 ,否定市场经济 ,根本理由在于计划经济是由人控制的 ,而市场经济不是由人控制的 ,它具有拜物教性质即异化特征。邓小平理论提出用生产力标准来审视市场经济的功过 ,建立社会主义市场经济 ,是对《资本论》的纠正和超越。在我国当前的发展战略讨论中 ,一方面是“可持续发展战略”已成为国策 ,一方面也出现了用“以人为中心”的模式阐释和代替“持续战略”的倾向。这是国外关于发展战略的争论在国内的反映 ,如不给予澄清 ,势必在理论上和实践上造成混乱 。
Economists and sociologists in many countries are studying the relation between economic growth and social advancement and put forward various developing viewpoints and modes,of which the sustainable developing strategy is the mainstream because it stresses the unity of economic development and social progress,prosperity and justice,material and spiritual wealth as well.Marx in his work On Capital negated market economy,for he thought it would be out of man’s control,which thus would have the characteristic of commodity fetishism or alienation.Deng Xiaoping advanced the idea of practicing market economy in China and judging it by standard of productive forces.It is correction and surpassing of Marx’s theory.Of the discussion on developing strategies,the sustainable developing one becomes the state policy,but there appears a tendency of replacing it by human centred mode,which is influenced by foreign views.If it is not clarified,there will be a restoration of planned economy both in theory and practice.
Journal of Zhengzhou University of Light Industry:Social Science Edition