当前 ,适合民营企业发展的大环境虽已形成 ,但陈旧的经济体制、不完善的市场秩序、民营企业家的自身缺陷均制约其发展。因此 ,要促进民营企业发展 ,就要改变以意识形态方式分析经济问题、按所有制性质对待经济主体的陈旧观念 ,创造公平的市场秩序 。
Although the environment for developing private enterprises takes a turn for the better,there still exist some factors retarding the development of them such as obsolete economic system,imperfect market order and defects in the enterprisers themselves.To promote the growth of private enterprises,on the one hand,the stereotyped idea must be eliminated of analyzing economic problems by ideology and of treating the economic bodies differently in virtue of different ownership;on the other hand,a fair market order should be created,and in addition the enterprisers must enhance quality of themselves.
Journal of Zhengzhou University of Light Industry:Social Science Edition