通过对砂姜黑土磷的组成及磷的形态、吸附与解吸的研究 ,结果表明 :砂姜黑土中有机磷的含量随着土壤肥力水平的提高而增加 ,在有机磷中以中等活性有机磷和中等稳定性有机磷为主 ,两者之和占有机磷总量的 83 %~ 95% ;砂姜黑土的无机磷以磷灰石和闭蓄态磷酸盐的含量为高 ,分别占无机磷总量的 2 1 %~ 55%和 2 2 %~ 4 7% ;砂姜黑土对磷的吸附量较高 ,一般随着土壤肥力水平的提高而减少 。
The forms, composition, absorption and desorption of phosphorus of shajiang black soils were studied. The results showed: In the shajiang black soils, total content of organic phosphorus became higher with the increase of the fertility level of soils. Morderately active organic phosphorus and moderately stable organic phosphorus were dominantly involved, which were 83%~95% of the total organic phosphorus. In the shajing black soils, the content of apatite was 21%~55% of the total inorganic phosphorus, and that of accumulated phosphorus was 22%~47% of the total inorganic phosphorus. The content of absorption phosphorus of the shajiang black soils was comparatively high and became lower with the increase of the fertility level of soils, while the content of desorption phosphorus became higher.