用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳法 ,对 1 0 9头麦洼牦牛和 1 0 0头九龙牦牛乳中的乳酸脱氢酶 (LDH)同工酶进行检测。结果表明 :两品种牦牛乳中 LDH在凝胶上仅显示出由 4个 H亚基组成的 LDH1 1条区带。试验共检测到 4种 LDH1 的遗传变异体 ,按迁移率由大到小依次为 A、B、C、D,其中 D型仅存在于九龙牦牛中 ,C型在两品种牦牛中均占明显优势。麦洼牦牛和九龙牦牛 LDH1
Isozymes of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) in the skim milk of 109 Maiwa yaks and 100 Jiulong yaks were assayed by native PAGE. Only one band (LDH 1) was observed on the gel for each sample. Four genetic variants of LDH 1 were detected: A, B, C and D according to their mobilities from fast to slow on the gels. The D variant was observed only in Jiulong yaks. The C variant was predominat in the two breeds. There existed significant difference of the distribution of phenotypic frequency of LDH 1 between Maiwa yaks and Jiulong yaks ( P <0.01).
国家自然科学基金资助项目 !(3 9870 60 7)
四川省自然科学基金资助项目 !(SK980 2 5 )