在金边瑞香、苦丁茶等扦插育苗中 ,用ABT 1号生根粉 2 5 0× 10 -6处理比用NAA ,IAA ,IBA 2 5 0× 10 -6的处理 ,苗木成活率高且根系发达 。
This paper reported that Daphne odora cv. Aureomarginata and Ilex kudingcha C.J.Tseng were treated with the concentration of 250 mg/L of No.1 ABT rootage powder.The survival rate of the seedlings of them was higher than that treated with the concentration of 250 mg/L of NAA,IAA and IBA in the stem cuttings.Roots initiated well developed and the average fresh weight per plant had increased.
Journal of Jiangsu Forestry Science & Technology