自 90年代起 ,我国大陆的有组织犯罪又开始死灰复燃 ,且大有愈演愈烈之势。本文首先讨论了有组织犯罪不同阶段上的特点 ,着重分析了上海地区有组织犯罪的现状及其产生的原因 ,在此基础上 ,对有组织犯罪在上海的发展趋势进行了预测 ,认为我们必须对反黑斗争的长期性、艰巨性有充分的认识 ,不断研究斗争动向 ,调整斗争策略 ,通过实践 ,逐步摸索出一套在我国经济较发达地区打击有组织犯罪的有效措施和方法。
This article discusses the characteristics of organized crimes at different stages and focuses on the analysis of the state-of-the-art and the causes of such crimes in Shanghai. Based on this analysis, the author predicts the trends of future development of the organized crimes in Shanghai and proposes methods and measures for combating such crimes.
Journal of Political Science and Law