人类社会在充满希望并面临巨大的挑战中送走了 2 0世纪 ,迎来了一个新的世纪。进入 2 1世纪世界经济的主要发展趋势 ,可以简要地概括为“四化” ,即信息化、全球化、一体化和多极化。在 2 1世纪 ,发展中国家总体的经济发展速度已经快于发达国家 ,今后必将有更多的国家能够做到这一点。所以 ,发展中国家的经济前景是乐观而大有希望的。穷国与富国在经济上的严重不平衡 ,一定会在新的世纪里 ,通过世界经济更快的发展 ,走上逐步缓解的道路。
The main trend of development of world economy in the 21st century may be briefly described by the following four words:information,globalization,integration and multipolarization.In the last century,the total economic development of developing countries was already faster than that of the developed countries,and more countries will surely do this in the future.There is,for the developing countries,plenty of hope and much to be expected of their economy.The acute economic imbalance between the rich and the poor countries will gradually be alleviated through faster development of global economy in the new century.
Journal of Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences