本文分析了经手术证实的盆腔子宫内膜异位症59例的临床及 X 线表现。其 X 线特征为:1.盆腔充气造影片48例中见内生殖器粘连成块的100%,其中与肠曲粘连达93.75%;宫体与附件粘连达81.25%;宫体与附件粘连并集中于后盆腔,使直肠子宫陷凹变浅、变狭,达79.2%。2.33例的子宫输卵管碘油造影,显示双侧输卵管通畅或通而欠畅达96.2%,仅1例阻塞;在24小时复查片中见碘油涂布不佳,呈小的团块或细点雪花样占62.5%。X 线检查以双重造影为最好。
The X-Ray manifestation of 59 surgically proved cases of pelvic endometriosis was
summarized in this article.The specific X-ray manifestations are the following:(1)In 48
cases underwent pneumo pelvic examinations,100% showed adhesions of the internal genital
organs.Among them,adhesion between the internal genital organs and the intestine loops
were found in 93.75%.adhesion of the uterus with the tubo-ovaritis structures were found
in 81.25% of all the cases.adhesions mainly in the posterior part of the pelvis causing
shallowing and narrowing of the Douglas pouch were found in 79.2% of all cases.(2)In 33 cases underwent hysterosalpingography,96.29% showed patent or partially obstructed
tubes,in only one case was total tubal obstruction,on the 24-hour check up films,the
contrast media,instead of spreading freely,becomes patchy,dotty or had a snow flake like
appearance in 62.5% all cases.
For pelvic endometriosis,the so called double contrast examination seemed to be the
most ideal X-ray examination.
Shanghai Medical Journal