目的 研制水中臭氧快速检测盒。方法 利用 DPD(4-氨基 - N.N-二乙基苯胺 )与臭氧反应呈红色 ,且红色程度与臭氧浓度呈正比原理制成臭氧检测盒 ,以该检测盒及碘量法、美国 HACH(哈希 )比色仪分别对水中臭氧含量进行检测 ,并进行统计学检验。结果 臭氧现场快速检测盒与碘量法、HACH比色仪的检验结果均无显著性差异 (P>0 .2 )。结论 臭氧现场快速检测盒是快速、简便、准确检测水中臭氧含量的一种工具。
Objective To research and manufacture a rapid, in situ determination kit for ozone in water Methods The detection kit was manufactured based on the red color reaction produced by the interaction of DPD and ozone,the degree of red color reaction was positively associated with the concentrations of ozone in water The comparative study and the statistical analysis on the concentrations of ozone in water determined by rapid detection kit,iodometry and HACH chromometer were carried out respectively. Results No significant differences(P£3/40 2) were found in the data detected results obtained from the rapid detection kit,iodometry and HACH chromometer. Conclusion This rapid detection kit was a rapid,simple to operate and accurate instrument for in situ determination of ozone in water
Journal of Environment and Health