Lu [5] in 1987 reported the results of her analysical study and some experimental study
of the influence of uniaxial loading on the residual strength of cracked stiffened curved
panel. Actually Lu's experiments were conducted under biaxial loading conditions. Another
problem was Lu employed LEFM (Liner Elastic Fractue Mechanics) method in her analyt-
ical study. Naturally Lu's calculated values are not in good agrcement with her experimen-
tal data.
Before presenting the three new conclusions of the author's research, some concise des-
cription of the research done will be given in the next paragraph.
In this paper, the entire process from the initiation of crack growth up to the instability
of crack extension is simulated for the case of biaxial loading. Different from the LEFM
used by Lu, an elastic plastic finite element method based on incremental theory of plastici-
ty is adopted to account for large strain. Again, different from the criterion employed by
Lu, CTOA (Crack Tip Opening Angle) is used as the fracture criterion controlling the sta-
ble crack extension.
This paper's three new conclusions, believed to be helpful in engineering design, are:
(1) The analytical method presented and CTOA fracture cricrion adopted are suitable
for the residual strength prediction of cracked stiffened structure.
(2) The increase of BLR (Biaxial Loading Ratio) can remarkably change the stress
field, the shape and size of plastic zone around growing crack tip, can reduce the stress in
longitudinal stringers, and can increase the curvature of stiffened curved panel. These
changes lead to the reduction of the maximum load that can be carried.
(3) The ultimate failure of cracked stiffened curved panel is mainly caused by the in-
stability of crack extension in the skin of the stiffened curved panel. This instability of crack
starts first from the plastic collapse of the material that yields around growing crack tip on
the inside of cracked stiffened curved panel.
Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University
stiffened curved panel
crack tip opening angle
elastic plastic finite clement method
residual strength