目的 报告 5例压迫脊髓的儿童颈椎间盘炎。方法 5例中男 3例 ,女 2例 ,年龄 4~ 14岁 ,平均 10岁。 5例X线片均发现有颈椎间盘钙化 ,并可见钙化间盘组织突入椎管。 3例为C3、4 ,2例在C6、7。 5例均有反复发作的颈痛 ,2例有神经根刺激症状 ,5例均无脊髓受损表现。结果 症状在治疗后 1周~ 2个月缓解。 5例病人均进行了随访 ,随访时间 5周~ 15个月 ,钙化影消失的时间 3周~ 8个月 ,平均 3 6个月。结论 颈椎X线平片是主要诊断方法 ,椎间隙正常而间盘钙化为重要的诊断与鉴别诊断依据 ,突入椎管内的实性团块 。
Objective The authors report 5 cases with cervical intervertebral disc calcification with compression of the spinal cord.Methods Five cases (3boys, 2girls), with mean age of 10 years The diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and results of follow up were analyzied Result All five patients showed evidence of calcification of the cervical intervertebral disc and the calcification protruded into the spinal canal without symptoms of spinal cord compression Two had symptom of nerve root irritation All five patients had symptoms which disppeared form 1 week to 2 months The cacification disappeared form 3 weeks to 8 months Conclusion The auithors consider that X ray Photographs are a main method for taking diagnosis, the evidencls of diagnosis and differental diagnosis are with a normal intervertebral space and calcific intervertebral disc, and the mass entering spinal cannal may be cured by conservative treatment
The Journal of Bone and Joint Injury