目的 :通过同时测定牙菌斑、唾液及胃粘膜中幽门螺杆菌 (Hp)以了解口腔中Hp的状况及其与胃粘膜病变的关系。方法 :采用PCR技术同时测定牙菌斑、唾液及胃粘膜中的幽门螺杆菌。结果 :47例胃粘膜Hp阳性的胃窦炎患者中 17例 ( 3 6.2 % )牙菌斑中检出Hp ;3 1例 ( 65 .9% )唾液标本Hp阳性。而 13例胃粘膜Hp阴性者中仍有 2例牙菌斑中检出Hp ,1例唾液中检出Hp。胃粘膜Hp阳性和阴性者之间牙菌斑及唾液Hp检出率的差异有显著性 (P <0 .0 1)。结论 :口腔中的Hp可能与胃粘膜中的Hp存在着一定的病因学联系。
砄bjective:To investigate the etiological relation between oral Helicobacter pylori(Hp ) and gastric Hp.Methods: Hp in dental plaque,saliva and gastric mucosa from the patients with gastritis was detected with PCR.Results: Hp was found in dental plaque in 17 cases and in saliva in 31 cases out of 47 patients with gastric Hp positive gastritis respectively. Hp was positive in dental plaque in 2 cases and in saliva in 1 case out of 13 gastritis patients with negative gastric Hp .There was a significant difference of Hp positive rate of dental plaque or saliva between patients with positive gastric Hp and those with negative gastric Hp ( P <0.01).Conclusion:Oral Hp may be rellated to gastric Hp.
Journal of Practical Stomatology