采用 EL ISA法或 RIA法对 2 6例骨髓增生性疾病 (MPD)患者的肿瘤坏死因子 (TNFα)、白细胞介素 2及其受体 (IL - 2 / s IL - 2 R)、白细胞介素 6及其受体 (IL - 6 / s IL - 6 R)和β2 - MG水平进行了检测。发现 MPD患者血清IL- 2、β2 - MG显著高于正常对照组 ,TNFα有升高趋势 ,IL- 6 / s IL- 6 R水平与对照组无显著性差异。病情活动或转化为急性白血病时 ,IL - 2 / s IL - 2 R和β2 - MG均显著升高 ,提示这三项指标可作为判断 MPD病情活动的参数。
Serum TNFα and interleukins were measured in 26 patients with myeloproliferative disorders(MPD)by ELISA or RIA method.Elavated IL-2 and β 2-MG levels were found in MPD patients,TNFα was slightly increased.There were no difference of IL-6 and sIL-6R levels between MPD and normal controls.In progressive disease and particularly when transformation to acute leukemia occurred,high levels of IL-2,sIL-2R and β 2-MG were found in all patients.These results suggest that IL-2,sIL-2R and β 2-MG could be as a potential prognostic usefulness in the individual patients.
Shandong Medical Journal