目的 :研究透析型人工肾超滤法的临床效果。方法 :2 6例小儿先天性心脏病患者 ,分为两组 (实验组和对照组 ) ,每组 13例。实验组体外循环 (CPB)复温阶段待循环稳定后 ,开始超滤。结果 :全组无一例死亡 ,未发现与超滤有关的并发症。超滤后 ,超滤组病人的Hct、Hb均迅速提高 ,明显高于对照组。实验组病人手术后浓缩红细胞和血浆用量 ,明显低于对照组。结论 :应用透析型人工肾超滤法能排除体内多余水份并浓缩血液 ,促进术后水肿的消退 。
Objective:to summery the clinic effect of Ultrafiltration during Cardiopulmonary Bypass(CPB)in children Medthods:26 Pediatric Patients affected congenital heart disease were divided into two groups:In the experimental group,ultrafitration was used after Hemodynamic stability during CPB bewarming Results:No death occured in all patients No complications related to ultrafiltration were observed The HCT and HB of the patients undergoing ultrafiltration all increased promptly and were apparently higher than that of the control group The amount of the reconcentratic RBC and serum using in experimental group after operation was apparently lower than that of the control group Conclusion: Using ultrafiltration can eliminate the more water in the body and concentrate the blood It can promote the extinction of edema and the postoperative recovery [
Journal of Yichun Medical College