目的 :了解我县儿童接种卡介苗后的免疫情况。方法 :1999年 7~ 8月 ,以城区范围内卡介苗接种 16周以后的 1~ 4岁儿童为对象进行结核菌素试验 ,72小时后查验反应结果。注射部位硬结反应≥ 5mm者为阳性反应 ,同时记录儿童接种卡介苗后的卡痕大小。结果 :我县城区l~ 4儿童结核菌素试验阳转率为 45 9% ,其中 0~岁组儿童结核菌素试验阳转率达88 9% ,对结核病的免疫水平较好 ,其余 3个年龄组阳转率均低于 36 % ,对结核病的免疫水平较低。结核菌素试验阳转率性别间无显著性差异。卡痕 <5mm的儿童 ,1~ 4岁年龄组的结核菌素阳转率逐渐增大。结论 :城区中存在一定的传染源 。
Objective:To observe the immunity effect of the children after BCG vaccine inoculated of my county Methods The target of one to four years children who were inocu1ated of BCG vaccine over sixteen weeks within the city proper to test tuberculin during July to August,1999 After 72 hours we can examine the result The child whose reaction inject scleroma is more than or equal to 5mm called positive reaction At the same time we can record the size ofmark ResuIts:The one to four years children who were inoculated of BCG vaccine in my city proper turn to positive conversion rate was 45 9% The 0~ period whose positive conversion rate 88 9% so that they are fairly good in tuberculosis of immunity The other three are 1ess than 36% so the tubercu1osis of immunity is relatively poor There is no differences between the sex of positive conversion rate in tuberculin test 0ne to four years children whose positive conversion rate of tuberculin become high slowly so lone the mark is less than 5mm Conclusion:There is some source of infection in the city proper To observe the cause of fair1y low position conversion rate and bring up the methods to prevent [
Journal of Yichun Medical College