通过 2a的示范应用 ,无论是低肥力田块还是中等肥力田块 ,华安 3号均表现高产、稳产 ,比汕优 6 3增产 2 0 .0 %~45 .7% ,比协优 6 3增产 30 %以上。着重分析了示范中华安 3号存在的问题以及解决这些问题的方法 。
The Two-line hybrid rice combination--Huaan No.3 showed the character of high and stable yield in the field with both high and middle fertility in two years demonstration.Its yield increased 20.0 ~45.7% and 30% more than that of Shanyou No.63 and Xieyou No.63.The problems and the method of solwing the problems was present in the paper for its application in large scale.
Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences