利用定位观测数据 ,对四川中部丘陵地区不同种植模式下旱地土壤水分变化规律进行了初步研究。结果表明 ,各种植模式土壤水分的季节变化具有明显差别 ,依据其变化特征可划分为 3种类型 ;垂直梯度变化基本表现为增长型 ,标准差和变异系数可用于对其变化特征的描述和层次划分 ,据此划分出了速变层 ( 0 cm~ 2 0 cm)和弱变层 ( 2 0 cm~ 50 cm) 2个差异明显的土壤水分垂直变化层。最后依据土壤水分的高效利用 。
Based on the data of observation in fixed location, the pilot study on the law of soil moisture variation in different cropping patterns on dryland in hilly area of Central Sichuan has been done. The results show that the difference of soil moisture seasonal variation in each cropping pattern is distinct, the cropping patterns can be divided into three types by the character of soil moisture seasonal variation, the soil moisture vertical changes in different cropping patterns on dryland has showed rising with the depth increased, the two indexes of standard deviation and variation coefficient are used to describe the character of soil moisture vertical changes, the rapid variation layer (0 cm^20 cm) and the slow variation layer (20 cm^50 cm)are made off by this two indexes. Finally, based on the purpose of high efficient utilization of soil water, the optimization of cropping patterns in hilly area of Central Sichuan is discussed.\;
Agricultural Research in the Arid Areas
中欧合作项目!"减少紫色土丘陵区农田的水分及养分流失研究"( B980 52 50 0 )