小麦耐盐新品系“1 0 1”是利用冬小麦“红选 50 1”和墨西哥春麦“唐努尔”杂交的F1作母本 ,“红选 50 1”和墨西哥春麦“西埃代赛洛斯”杂交的 F2 为父本进行复交培育而成 ,具有耐盐好、抗倒伏、产量高的特点。在轻度盐渍地上小区对比试验 ,产量为 51 2 5.5kg/hm2 ,比对照高 57.47% ,在中度盐渍化地上也有显著的经济效益 ,单产为 51 2 2 .5kg/hm2 。
The new line of salt tolerant and high yielding wheat “101” was bred by re hybrid using F1 as the maternal plant which was selected by hybridizing winter wheat Hongxuan 501 and Mexican spring wheat Danglour and F2 as the paternal plant which was selected by hybridizing winter wheat Hongxuan 501 and Mexican spring wheat Siedelov. This new line is characterized as salt tolerant, anti lodging and high yielding. The result of a comparison test in the slight saline plot shows that its yield is 5 125.5 kg/hm 2, 57.47% higher than the control, while in the middling saline land its yield is 5 122.5 kg/hm 2.
Agricultural Research in the Arid Areas
中国科学院阜康开放站基金! (项目编号 :980 1 )"抗盐小麦的培育及其小麦抗盐性研究"课题部分内容