高职教育是培养面向基层、面向生产、管理、服务第一线的高级应用型人才的教育 ,对促进经济建设、社会发展具有重要意义。重点高校是否举办高职教育 ,如何办出高职特色 ?本文通过自身的办学体会 ,对上述问题进行了阐述 ,并希望通过研讨这类问题 。
The adult higher education is a teaching programme for training the senior specialists of production, management, and service of various trades at root level. It has important meanings for the social development and economical constructions. Whether or not the key universities of China should open the programmes of adult higher education and how to make a good use of the intelligence and facility advantages of current colleges and universities to run the adult higher educations with Chinese characteristics to serve the economical constructions of our country, it was a hot subject concerned now by many universities in China. Through our practice experience in running the adult higher education, the author presented an exposition of the questions mentioned above in this paper in hope to promote the further development of the adult higher education at the key colleges and universities.
Higher Agricultural Education
key colleges and universities
adult higher education