目的 :比较不同材料充填的牙齿抗折裂强度 ,旨在获得一组新型的根管充填冠部修复技术 ,并探讨该技术与传统方法对牙齿抗折裂强度的影响 ,为其临床应用提供实验依据。方法 :取 2 2 4个近 3个月内拔除的人后牙 ,随机分为 7组。其中 5组为实验组 ,制备邻牙合面洞型 ,开髓预备根管后分别以 5种材料充填修复。 2组为对照组 :完整对照组 ,空白对照组。用电子力学测试机加压于牙齿牙合面 ,进行抗折裂强度测试。结果 :采用新型根管充填技术的牙抗折裂强度高于完整牙齿抗折裂强度 (P <0 .0 5 )。结论 :用环氧树脂根管封闭剂加金属尖充填根管 ,玻璃离子水门汀垫底并粘着金属嵌体做冠部充填 ,可以有效地强化剩余的牙体结构 ,提高充填牙的抗折裂强度。
AIM: The purpose of this study is to compair the different materials used in root canal therapy. Measuring and comparing their effects on the anti-fracture strength of human teeth to the effect of conventional method provide experimental evidence for its clinical use. METHODS: There were two hundred twenty-four intact human premolars and molars extracted within three months being randomly divided into seven groups. Then MOD cavity and root canal were prepared and filled in five groups. Intact and MOD cavity and endodontic prepared teeth with no restoration were used as control. The RM electro-mechanical testing machine is used to perform the tests. RESULT: The anti-fracture strength of the teeth treated by new technique was significantly higher than that of the control. CONCLUSIONS: It is an effective way to increase anti-fracture strength. In which the root canals were obturated by AH Plus with metal cone point, and coronals filled with Aqua Cem as an adhesive liner by the metals inlay restoration. [
Chinese Journal of Conservative Dentistry
filling material
teeth fracture
root canal sealer