本文深入探讨了离散型沉降试验的几个重要问题.这些问题是:以中点取样取代底部取样的合理性;中点取样工作水深(即有效水深)的确切含义及其合理的计算方法;如何用 Camp 图解积分法计算悬浮固体总沉降效率,并将沉速分布曲线 P=f(u)转换为沉降效率与沉降时间及沉降速度的关系曲线,即 E_T-t和 E_T-u 曲线,从 E_T-t 和 E_T-u 曲线上查到与某一沉降效率 E_T 对应的 t 值和 u值,并用系数修正后,即可用于沉淀池的设计计算.
In this paper,It is disquisited that the mean sampling in settling column is more reasonble to discrete settling compared with sampling on the bottom.Determinate meaning of the working(or effective)depth of water and its counting method is disquited as well. In order to convert distributive curve of settling velocity into E_T-t and E_T-u curve,we have to count the total settling rate E_T of SS.by appling Camp's diagrammatic intergral method.The correlative data of settling time t and settling velocity u with E_T found from E_T-t and E_T-u curve,may be use for the de- sign and count of settling tank,after being rectified by a coeffient.
Discrete settling
Mean sampling
Working(or Effective)depth of water
Settling curve