目的 了解新疆伊宁市婚检人群的HIV感染情况。方法 利用伊宁市1998、1999两年的婚检资料和HIV感染者流行病学问卷,对该市婚检人群的HIV感染率等进行分析。结果 9762名婚前体检者中检出HIV感染者97名,感染率为1.0%。1999年婚检者的HIV感染率(1.3%)较1998年(0.7%)高;男性的HIV感染率(1.8%)显著高于女性(0.2%);维族的HIV感染率(2.0%)显著高于其他各民族;79.4%(77/97)的HIV阳性婚前体检者承认有吸毒史。结论 伊宁市开展婚前HIV检测,对于保护配偶防止HIV通过性传播乃至母婴传播、在一般人群中扩散具有实际意义,值得在HIV感染率高的地区推广。
Objective To determine the prevalence of HIV infection among pre - mantal couples in Yining, Xinjiang province.Methods Data was collected between 1998 to 1999 from physical examinations and questionnaires conducted among pre-marital couples. Results Among 9 762 people who participated in the pre - mantai physical check - ups and survey, 97 (1 .0%) were diagnosed as HIV positive.The HIV prevalence rate in 1999 had almost doubled to that from the previous year, from 0.7% in 1998 to 1.3% in 1999.Among males, the HIV prevalence rate was higher than females at 1.8% and 0.2% respectively.While the HIV prevalence rate among the Uygur ethnic group (2.0%) was mach higher than other ethnicities. Among those diagnosed witli HIV, 79.4% (77/97) admitted tliat they had a history of drug use.Conclusion Yining is a city with a higli prevalence of HIV infection. Developing HIV screening among pre - marital couples can protect spouses and prevent HIV spread among the general population, through sexual and mother to infant transmission.
Chinese Preventive Medicine