目的 过筛治疗酒渣鼻病的中药。方法 选择15种清热、凉血、祛瘀的单方和复方中药,对酒渣鼻标本中分离出的需氧菌和厌氧菌进行药物敏感试验。结果 乌梅和黄芩为酒渣鼻分离细菌最敏感的中药。用R1方和R2方治疗29例痤疮型酒渣鼻和21例皮炎型酒渣鼻,经4或8周治疗后,皮损明显好转或消失。结论此结果与传统中医治疗酒渣鼻的准则相吻合,提供了治疗酒渣鼻新的有效方法。
Objective To scrcen traditional Chinese Medicine for rosaces Methods Fifteen Icinds of crude Chinese drugs and their mixture with reducing feuer, relieving heat from blood and removing blood stasis were made drug sensitive response against aerobie and anaerobic bacteria, which were separated from rosacea samples.Results Black plum, Huangqin were the most sensitive drugs, 21 patients of acne rosacea and 21 patients of dermatitis rosacea were improved apparendy or recovered.
Chinese Preventive Medicine