针对孤岛油田开发进入特高含水期储层物性发生很大变化的特点 ,研制出了由有机聚合物单体、无机膨润土和添加剂复合而成的SPG复合调剖剂。它具有耐温 60~ 80℃ ,膨胀 2 5~ 2 0倍 ,突破压力 3 2MPa ,堵水率 90 %的特点。现场调剖施工 9口井 ,单井启动压力平均增加 1 8MPa ,对应 3 9口油井中 ,受效油井 2 6口。SPG复合调剖剂原材料易得 ,成本低 ,施工工艺简单 ,适用于砂岩油藏调剖堵水 ,具有良好的推广应用前景。
Since the Gudao Oilfield had entered into special high water bearing stage, great changes of the reservoir's physical properties had taken place For that, SPG compound profile control agent formulated by organic polymer monomer, bentonite and additive, which have the characters of heat resistance (60℃-80℃), expansibility(2 5-20), its breakthrough pressure is 3 2 MPa and its water shutoff rate is 90% This agent was injected in 9 wells, individual well's starting pressure rise 1 81 MPa, corresPondence oil well resPonding rate was 66 6%, total added oil was 8 999 6 t, inputoutput ratio was 1 40
Fault-Block Oil & Gas Field