基于周期信号所具有的自相似特性及混沌信号的广谱性 ,本文提出了一种识别隐含周期信号的实用方法 ,该方法简单易行 ,即使在信噪比极低的混沌信号中 ,也能准确地判断出周期信号的存在及其周期 ,为非线性系统及复杂信号中 。
On the base o f self similitude of periodic signal and the characteristic of chaos like white noise,an algorithm for the determination of hidden periodic regimes in time series data is put forward. The algorithm is simple and efficient, it is stable towards additive noise in the chaotic signal and allows one to detect periodicity even if the examined data set contains only a few periods. It is very useful for determining signal periodicity from experimental data in the nonlinear system and complex time series.
Radar & ECM