目的 为探讨慢性乙型肝炎重叠戊肝病毒 (HEV)感染与肝炎重症化的关系。 方法 对771例慢性乙肝患者进行酶联免疫吸附试验 (ELISA) ,放射免疫试验 (RIA)和斑点杂交试验检测甲、乙、丙、丁、戊型肝炎病毒感染和肝功能检测。结果 经临床观察、对照和分析 ,发现重叠HEV感染的慢性乙肝患者的重型肝炎发生率和慢性乙肝重度发生率高。 结论 提示HBV/HEV重叠感染在肝炎重症化过程中起着重要的作用。
Objective To explore the relationship of HBV-HEV superinfection and hepatitis aggravation. Methods HAV, HBV, HCV, HDV and HEV antigens or antibodies of 771 chronic hepatitis B patients were detected by ELISA, RIA and dot blot hybridization. Their liver functions were also examined. Results When chronic hepatitis B patients were superinfected by HEV, the incidence rate of hepatitis gravis and severe hepatitis was higher. Conclusion HEV superinfection played an important role in the progression of hepatitis B.
Zhejiang Clinical Medical Journal