依从陈述式建模方法 ,尝试在影视语言环境中实现摄影机运动的屏幕空间约束控制 ,使用基于间隔数学的解过程 ,由用户给出屏幕空间中的图像约束 ,解过程计算出满足约束条件的摄影机运动全集解 .将时间参量作为新的约束引入解过程 ,并详细讨论了 3种时间参量的引入方法 .间隔运算被证明是代替传统的关键帧插值的有效方法 ,解过程显示出良好的适应能力和扩展性 .表 1,图 7,参 5 .
The paper presented a constraint control on camera animation to obtain the whole set of camera movements satisfying defined constraints specified in the image space or constraints on the objects of the scene. The research followed the 'Declarative Modeling' approach, which focus on description, generation and result exploration known as three-phase modeling concept. The system was based on a solver using interval arithmetic. The timer dimension was treated as another variable, thus constraints can be specified for the total duration of the animation. Several ways to include time dimension efficiently were discussed. Interval computation was to be shown a good solution to avoid key-frame and interpolation.
Journal of Xiangtan Mining Institute