旺格维利采煤法是澳大利亚采矿专家在房柱式开采技术基础上发展的一种高效采煤法。介绍了神东煤炭公司应用旺格维利采煤法的主要工艺参数、新装备和关键技术问题的解决对策,以及在应用该项技术过程中创建的“矿井生产规模 100万 t、全矿定员 100人、管理机制实行矿队合一,不设机关科室”的高产高效矿井管理新模式。认为这种新的矿井生产管理模式是煤矿生产建设实现“少投入、快产出、自身积累、滚动发展”的一条新路子。
Wongawilli mining method is a highly efficient coal mining method developed on the basis of room and pillar mining method by Australian mining experts. This article introduces the main technical parameters of this mining method applied by Shendong Coal Co. as well as the solutions to key technical problems that may arise from the equipment and techniques used. The article also introduced the mode of highly productive mine management with mine production capacity of 1.0Mt/a, mine staffing of 100 productive men. The article takes it for granted that this new type of coal mine production and management mode opens up a new track of 'less input, higher output and self- reliant accumulation resulting in long-term development'.
China Coal