针对我国高硫煤比重大和含黄铁矿多的特点,在介绍目前已有各类脱硫技术的 基础上,重点推荐分选效率最高和经济效果最佳的物理脱硫新技术,即微细介质重介质旋流器分选工艺。还对目前已获得良好的实验室试验结果的微细介质小直径重介质旋流器与细泥选 择絮凝分选组合工艺做了介绍。
On the basis of the special conditions in China that high sulfur coal accounts for large percentage of the total coal reserves of this country and presentation of conventional desulphurization technologies used, this article mainly recommends the latest developed physical desulphurization technology that offers both highest separation ratio and best economic benefits. This new technology is micro - fine medium heavy medium cyclone separation technology. The article also introduces the micro - fine medium small diameter heavy medium cyclone and fine slime separation floe separation group technology.
China Coal