在语文教学中进行语感教学已被广大语文教育工作者所理解和认同。一个语感能力强的人 ,能迅速捕捉语言信息 ,并迅速领悟、理解其内容。培养学生正确的语感 ,必然带来语文教学多快好省的效率。要利用教材 ,给学生创设情境 ,对学生进行语感培养。只要持之以恒 。
The idea of fostering students’ linguistic perception has been universally accepted by majority of teachers of Chinese language. Students, who have such perception can comprehend and catch informations.Yet, to do that undoubtedly would bring many problems to teachers.Teachers should well utilize textbooks, create language environments in their instruction.With perseverance,the aim at fostering students’ linguistic perception can be achieved.
Journal of Taiyuan Institute of Education