明代是中国科技发展的极其重要的时期 ,这一时期不仅涌现出一大批集大成式的科学家 ,而且出现了许多不朽的科技名著 ,与此同时 ,西方的科学技术传入中国 ,中外科技交流进入一个重要时期 ,对中国社会产生了重要影响 。
Ming Dynasty is a very important period of time in the development of scientific technology in China.In this period of time,there were not only a great many of renowned scientists but also countless scientific famous workd.In the mean time,western scientific technology was introduced into China.The exchange in scientific technology between China and foreign countries came into an important period of time.The exchange had a great influence upon Chinese society and opened a door for the development of scientific technology in China history.
Journal of Shenyang College of Education