师资是高校发展之本。抽象高校与企业在具体生产过程上的差别两者具有共同的性质 ,经济学只有政府、市场和企业的划分也说明了两者的同质性 ,企业理论对高校同样具有解释力。企业理论中的交易费用理论揭示了决定高校师资队伍存在与规模的经济原因 ;资产专用性理论指出了防止具有专用性人力资本者机会主义行为的方法 ;非流动性理论则找到了在存在机会主义的情况下分配师资管理与监督权力的原则 ;团队生产理论在说明管理与监督重要性和存在难题的前提下强调加强教育的重要性和教育内容的选择方向。
Teachers are essential to the development of higher education. Although universities in their abstract sense and firms have differences in the process of production, they are common in nature, which is further borne out by the three part division of governments, markets and enterprises in economics. The theory of the firm has the same explanatory power for institutions of higher learning. In the theory of the firm, the economic causes for determining the existence and the scale of teaching staff of higher education are revealed by transaction cost; the methods for preventing the opportunistic behavior of the owner of human capital are provided by asset specificity;the principles for distributing the authority of managing and supervising the teaching staff are found in non mobility; the importance and the selection of the educational content are emphasized by team production.
Journal of Yangzhou University(Higher Education Study Edition)