以含锑高的锌焙烧料为原料,采用黄钾铁矾法炼锌工艺,降低锑在中性浸出中的浸出率,使中性浸出液 Sb< 5 mg/L。经二段锌粉净化,溶液中 Sb< 0.1 mg/L符合电积要求。酸浸进入溶液中的 Sb,在沉矾过程中进入矾渣。扩大试验验证,控制锑在中性浸出过程中的浸出率,黄钾铁矾法可以处理含锑高的锌焙烧料。
The leaching rate of Sb in the neutral leaching process of the zinc calcine with high concentration of Sb can be reduced by using the jarosite process for zinc smelting,as a result the concentration of Sb in the neutral leachate can be as low as 5 mg/L.Through two- stage zinc powder purifying,the concentration of Sb in the solution can be reduced to be lower than 0.1 mg/L, which can meet the requirements of electrowinning.The antimony which get into the solution in the acid leaching process will be brought into the vanadium slag.The industrial tests show that the jarosite process can be used to handle the zinc calcine with high concentration of Sb by controlling the leaching rate of Sb in the neutral leaching process.
Hunan Nonferrous Metals