1994年初 ,引进了 4号紫胶虫的优良寄主树———久树在油页岩灰渣上种植 ,长势良好 ,截干后萌芽力强。自 1 996年起 ,在久树上成功地放养了 4号紫胶虫 1 2个世代 ,4号紫胶虫 1年能完成 2个世代 ,生长发育及产胶性能良好 ,表明久树、4号紫胶虫完全适应茂名地区的气候条件 。
Schleichera trijuga , which is a good host tree of forth lac insect, was introduced to plant on the oil shale disposal in Maoming in 1994. So far this species has performed very well. It sprouts many new branches after cutting and forth lac has been bred on it for 12 generations, 2 generations a year, since 1996. The yield of shell lac was high. It is likely that Schleichera trijuga is a good tree species in oil shale disposal for both land recovery and forth lac production in Maoming.\;
Forestry Science and Technology of Guangdong Province