为保全资产、减少资产流失和化解金融风险 ,我国已经成立了资产管理公司以专门接收和处置国有商业银行巨额的不良资产。因此 ,AMC本身治理机制的状况对我国经济的健康运行具有至关重要的影响。从我国资产管理公司的运行情况来看 ,其治理机制存在诸多的问题。本文从资产管理公司的设立、组织结构的设计、员工的招聘和培训、激励机制的建立和完善、监管机制的完善等方面对这些问题进行了具体的分析并提出有关的完善措施。
To protecting state possessed assets and reduce losses and remove the finance risk,Chinas AMC has been set up to purchase and deal with bad assets of state possessed commercial bank.So the situation of governance mechanism of AMC itself will greatly influence the normal moving of Chinas economy.At pressent,there are many drawbacks in the course of AMCs moving.In this paper,we analyzed concretely these questions such as the setting up of AMC,the design of the organization,the appoint ment and training of the clerk,the setting up and improving of encouraging mechanism,the improving of supervising mechanism and some feɑsible measures and etc.