日本泡沫经济的后遗症、阪神大地震、政府个别经济政策的失误及亚洲货币、金融·经济危机等内外原因,使日本经济一厥不振,直至 90年代后半期陷入战后仅见的连续两年负增长.由于日本政府、企业、金融等方面的共同努力,终于脱出困境.正像日本当年勇夺高速增长的经验堪为学习的模式一样,当今日本艰难克服连年萧条的经验与教训,亦值得研究与借鉴.
The aftereffect of Japan's foam economy, the devastative Osaka-Kobe Earthquake, those erroneous economic policies, and the Asian monetary, financial and economic crises-all these external and internal setbacks had combined to plunge the economy of japan into great difficulty until the country experienced the two years' consecutive negative increase of economy after the war in the late 90s. As a result of the combined effort by the Japanese government, businesses and financial institutions, the economy of Japan has now finally got out of the difficulty. Just as the effort and success of the past Japan in obtaining the high-speed economic increase worth studying, the experience and lessons of the current Japan in overcoming the problem of economic slump are also worth studying and learning from.
Contemporary Economy OF Japan