分析了广州市水资源开发利用的现状和 1998年水资源的供需平衡情况 ,指出目前广州市水资源开发利用中存在的问题 :体制不顺 ,供需矛盾尖锐 ,水质恶化等 ,并提出应采取的对策。
The pace of economic development in Guangzhou is very fast and the demand for fresh water is also increasing. The total output of water supply in 1998 was 7 4×10 9m 3,and it is predicted that the quantity of water shortage would be 0 48×10 9m 3 for a dependability of 90% in 2005,and 1 1×10 9m 3 for dependability of 75% or 2 36×10 3 for dependability of 90% in 2010.Water shortage has become one of the restricting factors for sustainable development of Guangzhou. The problems include that the uneven spatial and temporal distribution of water resource, the imbalance between water supply and demand, the waste in water resource utilization, the water pollution, and the less coordinate administration system of water resources etc. For solving the problems, it is suggested that a united and highly efficient administering system of water resources should be established, a water resource plan for Guangzhou be made as soon as possible, saving on water be practiced and encouraged, new water sources be explored to meet the future need ,and the water pollution be controlled.
Tropical Geography