湖南省雨水丰沛 ,农业水资源总量完全可满足农业生产需要和支持其持续发展。但时空分布不均带来了一系列水问题 :山丘区的季节性干旱和洪灾 ,平原区的涝灾 ;水资源开发利用效率、农田水分生产率低以及工业和城市用水压力等。解决湖南农业可持续发展的水问题 ,首先是强化雨水资源化过程 ,加强原有农业水利工程设施的修缮和配套建设 ,努力建设新的农田灌溉设施 ;改革农业水管理体制和制度 ,逐步实现农业水管理的“用水有偿化、投资多元化、经营企业化、管理法制化” ;另外要立足省情 ,推进农业科学用水研究 ,提高水分生产力。
In Hunan Province, water resources is sufficient for agricultural use and the supply is 2 58 times of the demands. But their spatial and temporal distribution varies greatly. Seasonal drought and torrential flood in hilly land, and flood and waterlogging in the plain areas occur frequently. Especially, every year the farmland damaged by drought accounts for over 66 47% of the total area affected by natural disasters. At the same time, the low exploitation and utilization rate of water resources, the potential increase of demands for water in cities and industry may make the water resource more tensional in the coming decades. For solving those problems, countermeasures such as constructing new water conservancy projects, improving old irrigation works, reforming water management system and developing agricultural technique to make rational use of water should be adopted.
Tropical Geography
湖南省自然科学基金! 99JJY2 0 0 19
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