以济南市长清县为例 ,探讨土地生产力的综合评价方法。从综合肥力的观点出发 ,科学地考虑影响土地生产力的多种自然因素 ,利用GIS技术和遥感技术 ,对土地生产力水平进行定量化计算 ,计算结果精确到 30m× 30m的像元 。
In this article, natural environment restricted soil productivity of Changqing county, a county of Jinan city ,has been evaluated based on the ten-singular factor-evaluation. During the studying, technique of GIS and RS were fully and widely used in order to ensure the precision and improve the work efficiency. Owe to the rationality of evaluation scheme and the advancement of studying technique, the result of calculation by mathematical model was precisely expressed as grid map which the size of single grid is 900 square meter. At last, the soil of the county was classified scientifically according to the calculation result and the bright outlook about the applications were briefly discussed.
Remote Sensing for Land & Resources
山东省教育厅科研课题!批准号 :J99E0 2