通过对 80例沃辛瘤进行临床分析 ,探讨涎腺沃辛瘤的术式选择和治疗经验。结果发现 ,80例沃辛瘤多发于老年男性 ,发病部位全部为腮腺组织 ,多发于单侧 ,少数为双侧腮腺 ,手术方式不当肿瘤可复发。研究提示 ,对术前怀疑为沃辛瘤的患者 ,双侧腮腺区的仔细扪诊和B型超声检查非常必要 ,根据沃辛瘤的部位及数目应采用不同的手术方式。
cases of Warthin tumor in parotid gland were collected, the selection of operating style and personal experience in treatment were introduced. The results showed that most of the patients were senior man, the site of the tumors was all in parotid gland, the majority of the tumor was single nodule with exception of some patient who had a multiple nature. Tumor recurrence was found in patients with improper method. The results suggested that for patients who are suspected of Warthin tumor,careful physical examination and B Ultrosonic scan are necessary for both sides of parotid gland. Different operating style should be considered according to the differences of tumor site and number.
Medical Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army