目的 :探讨高压氧联合药物治疗突发性耳聋 (突聋 )的疗效。方法 :2 6例 (31耳 )突发性耳聋患者 (HBO组 )在 2 5 0kPa(2 5ATA)压力下吸纯氧 30min共 2次 ,中间吸空气 10min ,每日 1次 ,同时配合能量合剂、复方丹参液、低分子右旋糖酐、B族维生素、皮质激素等药物治疗 ,平均疗程 (17 5± 6 73)天。将本组疗效与单纯使用同类药物治疗的 30例 (33耳 )突聋 (非HBO组 )进行比较。结果 :HBO组痊愈 7耳 ,显效 6耳 ,有效 10耳 ,总有效率 72 4% ;非HBO组痊愈 5耳 ,显效 4耳 ,有效 7耳 ,总有效率 48 5 % ,两组比较 χ2 =4 438,P <0 0 2 5。结论 :HBO联合药物治疗突聋的效果明显优于单纯药物治疗。
Objective:To investigate the effect of hyperbaric oxygen(HBO)combined with drugs therapy for sudden deafness(SD).Methods:Twenty_six patients(31ears)with SD were exposed to HBO[pure oxygen breathing at 250 kPa(2 5ATA)absolute for 30min,twice,with a 10 min air breathing breath in the chamber,once a day],meanwhile they were also given commonly used drugs(energy mixture,injectio salvia miltiorrhiza Co,dextran 40,vitamin B group and corticoids)for(17 5±6 73)days.Thirty patients(33 ears)for comparison(non_HBO group)were treated only by the above_mentioned drug without HBO.Results:HBO group:7 ears were cured,6 ears markedly improved,10 ears improved;non_HBO group:5 ears were cured,4 ears markedly improved,7 ears improved.The overall effective rate in HBO group(72 4%)was higher than that in non_HBO group(48 5%)(χ 2=4 438, P <0 025).Conclusion:The therapeutic effect of HBO combined with drugs for SD is significantly better than that of simple drug treatment without HBO.
Journal of Shantou University Medical College